LatinCALL Webinar series #1

Webinar 1

"Lessons Learned from the Past in Unprecedented Times: Rethinking and Shaping Online Language Education"

Date : Friday, September 3rd, 2021

Presented by: Liliana Simón (Universidad Nacional de la Plata - ARG), María Carolina Ognero: (Zorrilla Institute, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, and Universidad Nacional de Córdoba -ARG) and Claudia Spataro (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba -ARG)

Moderated by: Evelyn Izquierdo (VEN)

Featuring: Emerita Bañados (CHI) and Liliana Cuesta (COL)

Zoom setup: Olga Roca and Nicolás Peralta (UdeC - CHI)

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Liliana Simón:
Carolina Orgnero: And Claudia Spataro:


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Last modified: Tuesday, 12 October 2021, 5:51 PM