Section outline

    • You will need to create an account. Click here to do that.

    • Preparing for LatinCALL24: Important information at a glance

      Dates: November 9 & 10, 2024.
      Venue: Online
      Cost: Standard- $US30 (early-bird); $US50; Students- $5(early bird); $10
      Abstract submission: September 4 to October 7
      Submission result notification: October 10
      Registration opens: October 10, Thursday
      Early-bird registration closes: October 25, Friday
      Registration for presenters closes: October 25, Friday
      Conference schedule opens: October 30, Wednesday
      Registration for other delegates closes: November 8, Friday 

      Abstract submission

      Follow these steps to submit your abstracts and/or participate in LatinCALL24:
      1. If you haven't already, click here to sign up on our website.
      2. Confirm your email account by clicking on the link sent in the confirmation email. If you do not get the email, check your spam or contact eric(at mark here)
      3. To begin your abstract submission, click here and then click on “Enroll me”.
      4. Complete your abstract submission following the steps outlined throughout.

      If at any time you have a problem with the site or abstract submission process, please contact eric(at mark here)