Preparing for LatinCALL24: Important information at a glance
Dates: November 9 & 10, 2024.
Venue: OnlineEvento na modalidade: OnlineModalidad: Online
Cost: Standard- $US30 (early-bird); $US50; Students- $5(early bird); $10
Abstract submission: Now closed
Submission result notification: October 12 (later group, October 24)
Registration is now open: Login to the site and then click here. For students, please send a copy/photo of your student card to and cc When you do, we will send you a link to the $10 payment option.
Early-bird registration closes: October 25, Friday
Registration for presenters closes: October 25, Friday
Conference schedule opens: October 30, Wednesday
Registration for other delegates closes: November 8, Friday
To access the conference click here (you have to be logged in and registered)