Once your payment is confirmed by the administrator (usually within 12 hours of payment online), you will be able click the link near the bottom of this page to see your receipt. After the conference is finished, you will also be able to access your certificate of participation/presentation. To ensure your receipt, participation certificate and other information displays correctly you must first ensure your profile is set to have the information you wish to display. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the drop down menu that appears when you click your name/initials on the top right of this page
  2. Click “profile”
  3. On the next page, click “Edit profile”.
  4. If your name is not correct, update it. If you require your receipt to be made out to a different name, enter that name. Make sure you also set the timezone to your timezone. 
  5. Scroll down to “optional” and open that section. In the "Institution" field, add your institution name. 
  6. In the ID Number section, if you are a presenter, check if the title of your presentation is there. If not, enter it. Main presenters should see it already there. Co-presenters will have to add it.
  7. Scroll down and click "Update profile". 

For those that require the receipt to be made out to a different name, edit your profile and please change your first and last name fields to whoever it needs to be made out to, generate the receipt, and after generating the receipt, put your name back to the correct format by editing your profile again.

When you access any documents, names etc will display correctly if you follow these steps. If don't do the above, you will have incorrect information on your documents.

Última atualização: terça-feira, 12 nov. 2024, 16:30