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Caoimhín Ó Dónaill, Ana Gimeno

Dr Caoimhín Ó Dónaill is a Senior Lecturer in Irish at Ulster University, Ireland. His research interest include TBLL, multimedia materials development, CLIL, and embedding CALL within institutional and national curricula. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the executive committee of Eurocall. Ana Gimeno is Full Professor of English Language in the Department of Applied Linguistics at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. She was President of Eurocall from 2005-2011 and has been President of WorldCALL, the world organization for Computer-Assisted Language Learning since 2016. Her research interests include ESP, CALL and CLIL.

Caroline Ann Daněk Kyzek

Caroline is an English teacher at the University of Trnava in Slovakia. Her specialty is literature, but also focuses her research on eTwinning.

Caterin Díaz-Vargas, Cristian Sanhueza-Campos

Caterin Díaz-Vargas: Profesora de Educación media en inglés de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción, Magíster en Lingüística Aplicada de la Universidad de Concepción. Profesor Asistente. Universidad de Concepción, Campus Los Ángeles. Líneas de investigación: metodologías de enseñanza de segundas lenguas, aprendizaje cooperativo, enfoque comunicativo y foco en la forma. Cristián Sanhueza-Campos: Profesor de Inglés, Magíster en Lingüística Inglesa y Doctor en Lingüística. Profesor Asistente, Universidad de Concepción, Campus Los Ángeles. Líneas de investigación: en el área de la lingüística aplicada, la mejora de los aprendizajes en el ámbito léxico y la pronunciación como lengua extranjera. 

Cecilia Wade, Feng Xiao

Cecilia Wade is a student of Chinese and Economics at Pomona College. She enjoys researching second language acquisition and language learning. Feng Xiao is an associated professor of Asian Languages and Literatures at Pomona College. His research interests include pragmatics, second language acquisition, and AI-supported language learning.

Clara Maria Di Gennaro, Yaneth Villarroel Ojeda

Clara Di Gennaro, MA, is a Spanish instructor at Edward Waters University in Jacksonville, Florida. Her core competencies include Hispanic Literature and Language and Roman Philology and Linguistics. She is an active member of the following professional associations with which she cooperates in research and projects related to the field of foreign language teaching: the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, the Southern Conference on Language Teaching, and the Global Translator Community of Stanford University. Yaneth Villarroel, MA, is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Integrated Training at the University of Los Lagos, Chile. She received a master's degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the Universidad Católica de Temuco (Chile). Her research is focused on Telecollaboration and Internationalization of higher education. Professor Villarroel coordinates Edward Waters University and Vilnius University international agreements and recently won the Erasmus+ programme grant for teaching/training visits to Vilnius University in Lithuania.