Webinar Series 2021
Perfilado de sección
Webinar 1
Title: "Lessons Learned from the Past in Unprecedented Times: Rethinking and Shaping Online Language Education"
-Date : Friday, September 3rd, 2021
-Presented by: Liliana Simón (Universidad Nacional de la Plata - ARG), María Carolina Orgnero: (Zorrilla Institute, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, and Universidad Nacional de Córdoba -ARG) and Claudia Spataro (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba -ARG)
-Moderated by: Evelyn Izquierdo (VEN)
-Featuring: Emerita Bañados (CHI) and Liliana Cuesta (COL)
-Zoom setup: Olga Roca and Nicolás Peralta (UdeC - CHI)
Webinar 2
Title: "Sharing Latin America with the world and the world with Latin America - The International Virtual Exchange Project"
Date: Friday, October 8th, 2021
Memories: https://sites.google.com/view/latincallwebinar02/home
Presented by: Rubén Alberto Pulgarín Cruz (Colombia) and Eric Hagley (Australia)
Moderated by: Amy Marquardt (CHI- US) and Patricia Vasconcelos Almeida (BR)
Featuring: Emerita Bañados (CHI) -Liliana Cuesta (COL) -Yina Paola Machado (COL) -Cindy Fernanda Cuesta (COL) -Cintia Rabello (BR) -Silvana García (COL) -Jenny Grajales (COL) -Karoline Amorim Martins (BR) -Kleissiely De Castro (BR) -Rafaela Barbosa Mota (BR) // Remote guests: Jennifer Lozano (COL) and Rocío Jimenez (COL)
Zoom setup: Olga Roca and Nicolás Peralta (UdeC - CHI)
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